It’s never easy to enter the film industry and at the same time, it is very easy if you are intelligent and educated enough, how?

The Indian Film Industry requires professionals from all educational backgrounds and if you are really well educated, chances are you will sail through easily. These jobs are seldom advertised but are open all the time.
How does one get the job of an AD? Be in the lookout at film websites, information platforms, friends who work in the industry about upcoming film projects. Forget if it’s a feature, short, documentary or an advertising film, web series, just anything will work for you.
Land up at the office and convey your wish, be willing to be interviewed, chances are you will be rejected at first but persist. Land up again, the job is yours if you are able to prove your utility about the project.
Read what an Assistant Director does:
You can do it only if you have studied the film’s subject and are intelligent enough not to show off but genuinely offer inputs to the Film Director. The quality of your contribution will only get you in, the behavior comes next, willingness to put in long hours at inconvenient times without cribbing are other requirements.

Off to work for free, chances are you would be paid, howsoever meager but Film Directors’ appreciate passion, knowledge, commitment and desire to prove. So, go for it. Just make a beginning from somewhere, the smallest of projects. Most importantly educate yourself in some way in film production.
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